The Impact of Bilingual Education on Cognitive Development and Academic Achievement in English Language Learners.

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Amara Jafari
Emre C. Kaya


English language learners (ELLs) are subject to ongoing debates regarding the effects of bilingual education on cognitive development and academic achievement. According to some studies, bilingual education may enhance cognitive development and academic achievement; however, other studies suggest the opposite may be true. The purpose of this study is to explore the experiences and perceptions of students and teachers in a bilingual education program in order to better understand the impact of bilingual education on English-language learners. Using semi-structured interviews and observational data, the study will provide a nuanced understanding of bilingual education's impact on cognitive development and academic achievement among English language learners. To identify patterns and themes related to the topic, the collected data will be analysed using thematic analysis. In addition to contributing to the growing body of research on bilingual education and its impact on English Language Learners, this study may provide insight into the design of more effective bilingual education programs in the future.


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How to Cite
Jafari, A., & Emre C. Kaya. (2023). The Impact of Bilingual Education on Cognitive Development and Academic Achievement in English Language Learners. Research Studies in English Language Teaching and Learning, 1(1), 1–12.