The Effectiveness of Immersive Language Learning: An Investigation into English Language Acquisition in Immersion Environments versus Traditional Classroom Settings

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Samuel Porter
Mariana Sofia Castillo


This is a comparative kind of study research about traditional classroom learning efficacy in the acquisition of English and immersion learning. What actually distinguishes immersion learning from the conventional classroom learning setup is that immersion learning includes learners having to be exposed to the practicalities of using the targeted language in day-to-day life and having to use the language in authentic communication with native speakers concerning its grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. Using a very strong sample of 60 non-native English-speaking learners, the research set out to measure the impact of these two methodologies on language proficiency, as quantified by the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). This suggests that those in the group of immersion learning had improved post-training TOEFL scores that were significantly higher than their counterparts in the traditional classroom setting. Such findings help explain the fact that, while immersion learning will do much more in improving English language capability, it will also suggest that such an experience environment could be most useful for learners looking to acquire this language effectively.


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How to Cite
Porter, S., & Sofia Castillo, M. (2023). The Effectiveness of Immersive Language Learning: An Investigation into English Language Acquisition in Immersion Environments versus Traditional Classroom Settings. Research Studies in English Language Teaching and Learning, 1(3), 155–165.