English in Global Commerce - Understanding its Role, Benefits, and Impediments

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Mahra Alneyadi
Ameena Aljanaahi
Elyazia Alhammadi
Khadeeja Almarzooqi
Khalid Alhammadi


The latter has brought about the dominance of the world language currently, in the global business arena—English. Indeed, there are more positives than negatives in the use of English for international business communication. In addition, it is true that not only does it improve mutual understanding and cooperation among teams of different language backgrounds, but it also enables large businesses to grow global contacts and finally get a much wider cover in the global market. Hence, English-based communication, with proper cohesion, makes the process of decision-making very smooth and coherent, and hence builds up the overall efficiency of the company. On the other hand, heavy reliance on the English language comes with its own sets of problems. Subtle distinctions in the translation of culture run the risk of being misunderstood and hence damage the potential of the regions to work harmoniously together. This could sideline the non-natives with a strong leaning towards English, hence putting at a disadvantage anyone less fluent in the language.


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How to Cite
Alneyadi, M., Aljanaahi, A., Alhammadi, E., Almarzooqi, K., & Alhammadi, K. (2023). English in Global Commerce - Understanding its Role, Benefits, and Impediments. Research Studies in English Language Teaching and Learning, 1(5), 282–298. https://doi.org/10.62583/rseltl.v1i5.31